There was manifest all manner of ungodliness and works of the flesh. التى تحمل مياهها الوحل و القاذورات
It may not be manifested kroy inorganic matter. هو ممكن لا يستطيع الخروج رسمياً بهيئته العضوية
All my life, my father has been manifest as an absence. كلحياتي،والديلديه كان واضح وعدم وجود.
Are somehow being manifested by the ship In order to communicate with me. بِطريقه ما تَظهرُون بِالسَفينه من أجل التناقُش معيّ.
Her emotional turmoil appears to be manifesting in the geographic pattern of her spree. اضطرابها العاطفى يبدو انه يظهر فى النمط الجيغرافى لمرحها
By the time I was your age, I had already been manifesting multiple powers. حين كنت في سنكِ، كنت قد أظهرت قدرات متعددة
He's sitting on an awful lot of rage... and it could be manifested physically if he's stressed. انتظر انه يحتدم غضبا و قد يظهر جسديا في حال احتقانه
Whatever consciousness Olivia appears to be manifesting now, she is not who you think she is. أيّاً يكن الوعي الذي يظهر على (أوليفيا) الآن، فهي ليست مَن تحسبها.
May the All-Loving Being manifest Himself unto us, and grant us abiding understanding and all-consuming divine love. أرجو الله أن يرحمه ويعفر له ، ويجزيه عنا وخير الجزاء .
I must say, Mrs. small, you don't seem to be manifesting many symptoms of postpartum depression. عليّ القول , سيده (سمول) لا يبدو عليكِ ظهور العديد من اعراض اكتئاب ما بعد الولاده